GAURI Vidhyarthi

Gauri has been a student of yoga for the last 15 years and started to take interest to teach over the last 6 years. 2020 gave Gauri an opportunity to complete her teaching training with Rainbow Light Yoga (based in France) and she has been teaching since. 

Gauri was drawn to yoga as she suffered a spinal injury at a very young age of 15 years. Her yoga practice has allowed her to maintain her body and strength despite her difficulties. Gauri would like to help others who have had similar injuries and be a representation to my students that no matter what your difficulties you can practice yoga. There is no judgement in Yoga and one may not be able to practice all the asanas however finding the strength to practice in your own style even with limitations can positively impact your life.

Gauri’s practice is based continuous studies of literature of yoga history and philosophy. She teaches Traditional Hatha yoga with a focus on a theme to help the student bring the mind and body together through their asana practice, pranayama and meditation.


LOCATION: Nairobi, Kenya
AVAILABILITY: In-Person & Online