Yoga Teacher and assistant manager of Kanga Studio Nairobi

Polly first discovered yoga through a book she bought when she was 13, and began teaching her friends these poses using towels as yoga mats. Without much thought to this early foray into teaching, Polly went on to train in Hatha and Ashtanga yoga in India in 2018 for her first 200 hour certificate. It wasn’t until later that she was reminded of actually how long it had been since she taught her first ever class.

Polly grew up in Cornwall, so sea swimming has inspired free and joyful movement, fluid and linked with breath. Her study of ancient yogic philosophy in India has meant that Polly is committed to yoga as a devotional practice, harvested from the seeds of compassion, and with an open curiosity into the mind-body connection. Her yoga practice inspires the rest of her life, always lead by the guiding principles of love. Her approach is open and kind, and you are always welcome to drift off the path and take the practice in your own direction.

Some influential teachers are Yogrishi Vishvketu from Anand Prakash Ashram in Rishikesh, who’s integrative use of pranayama as well as humour in his classes is of constant inspiration, while Emma Bonnici, the founder of Kanga Yoga, and her Iyengar-inspired teachings of alignment ensure that Polly’s classes have a grounding in functional movement that is always positive for the body.